This is probably my favorite statement! Obviously, the general message transported by it is that when you can do things by yourself, you are able to take advantage of it and be happy in life. The case of the fish is a good example, since it shows that the man will be able to feed himself forever (well... As long as there are some fish where he fishes). Actually, it means that it is not always good to have everything already prepared for us. We have to manage, everybody has to! What if someone was only eating frozen dinners? Of course he would survive, but he would never be able to eat healthy food since he wouldn't know how to cook. The bottom of the statement says that it is important to learn because then, you will be able to take care of yourself and even teach it to somebody else so he can do the same.
This principle could be used for international development. Also, it's not that I am not concerned about international development but I'm not informed well enough to state concrete examples where this idea has been used so I'm only going to say how I think it could be used for. I don't know if there is a specific area where this principle would be more useful but I believe it is everywhere. Instead of acting with the idea of ''ready-made'' (and what I mean here is that we bring supplies, materials and equipment), we should rather bring knowledge and teach these guys how to take care of themselves.
I know a lot of people in poor countries suffer a lot from starvation and lack of water. They don't have enough money to take care of their child and they're having hard times with diseases like AIDS and others that I just don't know. I also know that the major part of them have something like 10 kids? We have to teach them how to get out of that $*&% and bring them to a state where they are aware of what is going on in their country.
Honestly, I really hope that everbody on Earth could live happily, but when I hear that some people don't want to eat cows because they are sacred, I just don't stand it. Maybe that what I'm saying is too crude, but I just can't help it, I feel like they owe to die of starvation if they can't get over stupid beliefs like that. I know it's a terrible way of thinking, maybe it comes from the fact that I don't believe in God at all. Also, it is not because I don't respect other cultures, but dying instead of eating a cow is something I just can't understand.
Furthermore, to come back with the main idea of this text, I think that the most important part is that we have to teach them! Teach, teach, teach! We have to give them the opportunity to be able do build wells, to train qualified teachers and doctors. There are so many intelligent people on Earth, we have to be able to solve these problems, but in order to do that, people have to work together, putting away their differences and their beliefs (even I and what I said earlier). We must find a way to make them able to use the ressources they have the best way we can. We have to forget money and abolish dictatorships but yet again, racism and disrepect between cultures get in the way, making us vulnerable because nobody has the power and the will to do it.