Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What would I bring on a desert island?

If I had the choice to bring one music cd, one book and one famous person along with me on a desert island, the choices I would make are the following:

First of all, for a book, I would obviously choose a french dictionnary.  I think it is the easiest choice to make, since the dictionnary is something incredibly long to read and you never know for how long you will be stucked on that desert island.  Furthermore, it would keep me intelligent (if I am) and accustomed to the language. I guess I would even improve my general knowledge of French.

My choice for a music cd was not easy to make, but I finally got to the conclusion that I should bring a classical type of music.  I thought about a lot of famous music geniuses and I finally choosed Beethoven and his nine symphonies.  I think that classical music is really enjoyable and that it would keep me calm and rational while I am on a desert Island.

Finally, I thought about someone famous that would be useful for me in such a case.  Obviously, I thought about bringing gorgeous women on the island like Jessica Alba but I thought it would be more useful to bring someone I would be able to talk to who would help me to keep my mind open.  So I decided to take Noam Chomsky, who is one of the greatest thinker of our era.  Perhaps there is a lady as beautiful as Jessica Alba that would be able to play the same role as Chomsky?

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